The Economics of Solar Energy

The Economics of Solar Energy

When it comes to solar energy, there is much talk about when it comes to how it may be perfect solution to our energy needs in the future. After all, there are so many benefits of harnessing power from the sun. For starters, it is a renewable source that does not pollute the atmosphere. Furthermore, it is efficient and cost effective. What is not to like? In this article, we are going to discuss the economics of solar energy and how it can help people like you to save money, how it can create jobs, and how it benefits the economy. 

What is Meant by Solar Energy?

Solar energy is the power that is harnessed from the sun and converted into electricity through solar panels. It is a renewable source of energy that will never run out. The sun emits energy in the form of light and heat, which can be captured by solar panels and then converted into usable electricity.

Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that absorb light from the sun, which then generates a current (direct current DC energy). This DC current is passed through an inverter and then converted to AC (alternate current) energy (which is what we use in our homes). The AC energy is fed into the home’s electrical panel and can be used to power appliances within the home. 

What are the Benefits of Solar Power?

There are many benefits of solar power. Firstly, it is clean and renewable. It does not produce pollutants or harmful emissions, making it environmentally friendly. When compared to traditional forms of energy such as gas or coal that produce many harmful emissions, solar energy definitely comes out on top and is seen as the way to go. 

Secondly, solar energy is cost-effective. According to the experts at Vivint Solar, after the initial payment for installation, there is very little to pay out in terms of maintenance. This is because a solar panels system does not have any moving parts and there are no costs in terms of fuel with harnessing solar power. It is no wonder that solar energy is such a fantastic alternative to traditional sources of energy.

Thirdly, solar energy is efficient. Solar panels can convert up to 20% of the sun’s power into usable electricity that can be used in the home. This makes solar energy an effective and efficient source of energy.

How Much Does Solar Energy Cost? 

The cost of solar energy has decreased quite a lot over the years. This is mainly due to improvements in technology and the fact that more and more people are utilizing solar energy. The cost of solar panels has decreased by over 80% in the past decade alone, making it a much more affordable solution for both households and businesses.

The cost of solar energy is calculated using several factors, such as the price of the solar panel system, the cost of installation, maintenance, and repair. How much a solar panel costs will depend on the type and quality of panels, the size of the solar system, and the location of the installation.

How Does Solar Energy Affect the Economy? 

Solar energy has a significant impact on the economy by creating jobs, energy security, and savings. The following are just some of the diverse ways that solar energy can have an impact on the economy:

Job Creation

The solar industry is a growing industry that is creating jobs. According to Statista, there were more than 250,000 people working in the solar industry in the United States in 2021. Most were working in project development and installation. 

Energy Security

Solar energy provides energy security by reducing the country’s dependence on traditional energy sources such as gas and coal. This is because solar energy is a renewable source of energy that is not subject to fluctuations in supply and demand. This reduces the country’s dependence on foreign oil imports, making it a more secure energy source.

Cost Savings

Households and businesses that utilize solar energy can save money on their electricity bills. This is because solar energy can essentially generate free electricity once the initial investment has been made. Over time, this can result in considerable cost savings for the business or homeowner. 

Environmental Benefits

Solar energy has many benefits for the environment. As already mentioned, solar energy does not produce harmful pollutants or emissions. This means there is less of an impact on the environment. Solar energy also reduces the use of fossil fuels, which in turn reduces carbon emissions.

What Does the Future of Solar Energy Look Like? 

The future of solar energy is bright. The cost of solar panels is expected to continue falling, making solar energy much more affordable for businesses and homeowners. As more and more people become aware of solar power and the benefits it provides, it is expected that there will be many more installations throughout the country and the rest of the world. 


The economics of solar energy involves many factors. It is a pollutant-free, cost-effective, and effective source of energy that has an important impact on the economy. Solar energy creates jobs, provides us with energy security, and reduces the impact of fossil fuel energy on the environment. As the cost of solar panels continues to decrease, the future of solar energy looks even brighter.

Common FAQs

How long do solar panel systems last?

Solar panel systems are usually guaranteed for around 25-30 years. However, when well maintained, they will continue working effectively for many years after. 

Will solar panels work when it’s cloudy?

Although energy production is reduced, solar panels still generate power on cloudy days. 

How much will a solar panel system cost? 

The cost of a solar panel system will depend on the supplier, the quality and size of the system and where it is located. The average cost is $16,000. 

What happens to the solar energy I don’t use?

Surplus solar energy can be stored in a special battery and used later or sent back to the grid and offset against future bills.